WebGPU Status

Note that we will use Chrome Canary as our gauge browser for WebGPU features as other browsers are still lagging in term of feature support as of this writing (2020/11/21).

Make it work: Current status of the port

Most of the features of Babylon.js are now available in WebGPU. Here's a detailed list of what is not working / is partially working.

Features with incomplete support

  • Point Cloud System
    • WebGPU does not support a point size different from 1, so setting a value different from 1 for the point size won't be taken into account

Features not working because not implemented yet

  • GPU particle systems
    • The current implementation is using a specific feature of WebGL2 (feedback buffers), we need to use compute shaders to implement this in WebGPU
  • Reporting the GPU frame time
  • Support of triangle fan / line loop drawing mode
    • WebGPU does not support those modes, we will need to emulate them with triangle strip and line strip
  • Occlusion Queries
    • Not implemented yet but not supported by Chrome neither
  • Multiview / WebXR
    • Not implemented yet but not supported by Chrome / WebGPU specifications neither
  • Multi views (multi canvas)
    • Not implemented yet but Chrome does not allow to read the data of a WebGPU canvas yet so can't be implemented

Features implemented but not working / fully working because not implemented / fully implemented by Chrome yet

Make it fast: Optimizations

We need to implement some specific mechanisms / features to get the most of our implementation:

  • Add a cache for the render pipelines
  • Add a cache for the binding groups
  • Add a cache for the vertex input bindings
  • Use compute shaders
    • To perform some conversions when reading data from buffers
    • To replace the existing min/max computation code
    • To implement GPU particle systems
  • Use WGSL when back compat is not required
  • Use render bundles to improve performances
  • Use CreateReadyPipeline for asynchronous pipeline creations
  • ...and lots of others!

So, don't try to benchmark your code against WebGL just yet, it won't be representative of the real performances you will get once the steps outlined above are integrated (and notably the first 3 ones)!

Browser Caveats

Chrome Canary does not support all WebGPU features yet, so here are some caveats as of 2020/11/21:

  • No Anisotropic filtering
  • No 3D textures
  • Limited to 4 targets for MRTs
  • Updating GPU textures with canvas / videos is slow. It means you will see really bad performance if you use dynamic GUIs (GUI that have elements which are updated on each frame) or video elements.
    • Try this PG for eg: Multiple dynamic GUIs + Video
  • No WebGPU capabilities (caps) returned by the browser
    • For the time being, we have set some hard values for the caps (4 for MSAA max samples, for eg, as Chrome does not support more yet)
  • There's a bug with the WebGPU writeTexture method that will make some samples using very small skeletons (less than 4 bones) crash