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Interface ICreateCapsuleOptions

The options Interface for creating a Capsule Mesh


  • ICreateCapsuleOptions



Optional bottomCapSubdivisionsSearch playground for bottomCapSubdivisions

bottomCapSubdivisions: number

Overwrite for the bottom capSubdivisions.

capSubdivisionsSearch playground for capSubdivisions

capSubdivisions: number

Number of sub segments on the cap sections of the capsule running parallel to orientation.

heightSearch playground for height

height: number

Height or Length of the capsule.

Optional orientationSearch playground for orientation

orientation: Vector3

The Orientation of the capsule. Default : Vector3.Up()

radiusSearch playground for radius

radius: number

Radius of the capsule.

Optional radiusBottomSearch playground for radiusBottom

radiusBottom: number

Overwrite for the bottom radius.

Optional radiusTopSearch playground for radiusTop

radiusTop: number

Overwrite for the top radius.

subdivisionsSearch playground for subdivisions

subdivisions: number

Number of sub segments on the tube section of the capsule running parallel to orientation.

tessellationSearch playground for tessellation

tessellation: number

Number of cylindrical segments on the capsule.

Optional topCapSubdivisionsSearch playground for topCapSubdivisions

topCapSubdivisions: number

Overwrite for the top capSubdivisions.

Optional updatableSearch playground for updatable

updatable: boolean

Internal geometry is supposed to change once created.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method