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Class RecastJSPlugin

RecastJS navigation plugin


  • RecastJSPlugin





  • Initializes the recastJS plugin


    • Optional recastInjection: any

      can be used to inject your own recast reference

    Returns RecastJSPlugin


bjsRECASTSearch playground for bjsRECAST

bjsRECAST: any

Reference to the Recast library

nameSearch playground for name

name: string

plugin name

navMeshSearch playground for navMesh

navMesh: any

the first navmesh created. We might extend this to support multiple navmeshes


buildFromNavmeshDataSearch playground for buildFromNavmeshData

  • buildFromNavmeshData(data: Uint8Array): void
  • build the navmesh from a previously saved state using getNavmeshData


    • data: Uint8Array

      the Uint8Array returned by getNavmeshData

    Returns void

computePathSearch playground for computePath

  • Compute a navigation path from start to end. Returns an empty array if no path can be computed


    Returns Vector3[]

    array containing world position composing the path

createCrowdSearch playground for createCrowd

  • createCrowd(maxAgents: number, maxAgentRadius: number, scene: Scene): ICrowd
  • Create a new Crowd so you can add agents


    • maxAgents: number

      the maximum agent count in the crowd

    • maxAgentRadius: number

      the maximum radius an agent can have

    • scene: Scene

      to attach the crowd to

    Returns ICrowd

    the crowd you can add agents to

createDebugNavMeshSearch playground for createDebugNavMesh

createNavMeshSearch playground for createNavMesh

  • Creates a navigation mesh


    • meshes: Array<Mesh>

      array of all the geometry used to compute the navigation mesh

    • parameters: INavMeshParameters

      bunch of parameters used to filter geometry

    Returns void

disposeSearch playground for dispose

  • dispose(): void

getClosestPointSearch playground for getClosestPoint

  • Get a navigation mesh constrained position, closest to the parameter position


    Returns Vector3

    the closest point to position constrained by the navigation mesh

getClosestPointToRefSearch playground for getClosestPointToRef

  • Get a navigation mesh constrained position, closest to the parameter position


    • position: Vector3

      world position

    • result: Vector3

      output the closest point to position constrained by the navigation mesh

    Returns void

getDefaultQueryExtentSearch playground for getDefaultQueryExtent

getDefaultQueryExtentToRefSearch playground for getDefaultQueryExtentToRef

  • getDefaultQueryExtentToRef(result: Vector3): void

getMaximumSubStepCountSearch playground for getMaximumSubStepCount

  • getMaximumSubStepCount(): number

getNavmeshDataSearch playground for getNavmeshData

  • getNavmeshData(): Uint8Array
  • returns the navmesh data that can be used later. The navmesh must be built before retrieving the data

    Returns Uint8Array

    data the Uint8Array that can be saved and reused

getRandomPointAroundSearch playground for getRandomPointAround

  • Get a navigation mesh constrained position, within a particular radius


    • position: Vector3

      world position

    • maxRadius: number

      the maximum distance to the constrained world position

    Returns Vector3

    the closest point to position constrained by the navigation mesh

getRandomPointAroundToRefSearch playground for getRandomPointAroundToRef

  • getRandomPointAroundToRef(position: Vector3, maxRadius: number, result: Vector3): void
  • Get a navigation mesh constrained position, within a particular radius


    • position: Vector3

      world position

    • maxRadius: number

      the maximum distance to the constrained world position

    • result: Vector3

      output the closest point to position constrained by the navigation mesh

    Returns void

getTimeStepSearch playground for getTimeStep

  • getTimeStep(): number
  • Get the time step of the navigation tick update.

    Returns number

    the current time step

isSupportedSearch playground for isSupported

  • isSupported(): boolean
  • If this plugin is supported

    Returns boolean

    true if plugin is supported

moveAlongSearch playground for moveAlong

  • Compute the final position from a segment made of destination-position


    • position: Vector3

      world position

    • destination: Vector3

      world position

    Returns Vector3

    the resulting point along the navmesh

moveAlongToRefSearch playground for moveAlongToRef

  • Compute the final position from a segment made of destination-position


    • position: Vector3

      world position

    • destination: Vector3

      world position

    • result: Vector3

      output the resulting point along the navmesh

    Returns void

setDefaultQueryExtentSearch playground for setDefaultQueryExtent

  • setDefaultQueryExtent(extent: Vector3): void
  • Set the Bounding box extent for doing spatial queries (getClosestPoint, getRandomPointAround, ...) The queries will try to find a solution within those bounds default is (1,1,1)


    • extent: Vector3

      x,y,z value that define the extent around the queries point of reference

    Returns void

setMaximumSubStepCountSearch playground for setMaximumSubStepCount

  • setMaximumSubStepCount(newStepCount?: number): void
  • If delta time in navigation tick update is greater than the time step a number of sub iterations are done. If more iterations are need to reach deltatime they will be discarded. A value of 0 will set to no maximum and update will use as many substeps as needed


    • Optional newStepCount: number

      the maximum number of iterations

    Returns void

setTimeStepSearch playground for setTimeStep

  • setTimeStep(newTimeStep?: number): void
  • Set the time step of the navigation tick update. Default is 1/60. A value of 0 will disable fixed time update


    • Optional newTimeStep: number

      the new timestep to apply to this world.

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method