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Class DepthRenderer

This represents a depth renderer in Babylon. A depth renderer will render to it's depth map every frame which can be displayed or used in post processing


  • DepthRenderer




  • Instantiates a depth renderer


    • scene: Scene

      The scene the renderer belongs to

    • Optional type: number

      The texture type of the depth map (default: Engine.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT)

    • Optional camera: Nullable<Camera>

      The camera to be used to render the depth map (default: scene's active camera)

    • Optional storeNonLinearDepth: boolean

      Defines whether the depth is stored linearly like in Babylon Shadows or directly like glFragCoord.z

    Returns DepthRenderer


enabledSearch playground for enabled

enabled: boolean

Enable or disable the depth renderer. When disabled, the depth texture is not updated

Readonly isPackedSearch playground for isPacked

isPacked: boolean

Get if the depth renderer is using packed depth or not

useOnlyInActiveCameraSearch playground for useOnlyInActiveCamera

useOnlyInActiveCamera: boolean

Specifies that the depth renderer will only be used within the camera it is created for. This can help forcing its rendering during the camera processing.


disposeSearch playground for dispose

  • dispose(): void
  • Disposes of the depth renderer.

    Returns void

getDepthMapSearch playground for getDepthMap

  • Gets the texture which the depth map will be written to.

    Returns RenderTargetTexture

    The depth map texture

isReadySearch playground for isReady

  • isReady(subMesh: SubMesh, useInstances: boolean): boolean
  • Creates the depth rendering effect and checks if the effect is ready.


    • subMesh: SubMesh

      The submesh to be used to render the depth map of

    • useInstances: boolean

      If multiple world instances should be used

    Returns boolean

    if the depth renderer is ready to render the depth map


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Static property
  • Static method