Add Your Own Physics Engine

Define your plugin

You can create your own plugin by creating a class that provides the following interface:

  • function initialize(): Must initialize your engine

  • function setGravity(gravity): Used by Babylon.js to set the current gravity

  • function runOneStep(delta): babylon.js will call this function for each frame, giving you the delta time between current and previous frame. This is the responsibility of the plugin to update meshes' position and rotation accordingly to the physics simulation.

  • function registerMesh(mesh, impostor, options): babylon.js will call this function when the user wants to create a physics impostor for a mesh. options parameter contains 3 values: mass, friction and restitution. Possible values for impostor are the following:

  • NoImpostor = 0;

  • SphereImpostor = 1;

  • BoxImpostor = 2;

  • PlaneImpostor = 3;

  • CompoundImpostor = 4;

  • MeshImpostor = 4;

  • function registerMeshesAsCompound(parts, options): Babylon.js will call this function for compound objects. parts parameter contains an array of {mesh, impostor}. options parameter is the same as above.

  • function unregisterMesh(mesh): Called to remove a mesh from the simulation

  • function applyImpulse(mesh, force, contactPoint): Apply a specific force to a specific contact point for a given mesh

  • function createLink(mesh1, mesh2, pivot1, pivot2): Create a joint between two meshes

  • function dispose(): Free all allocated resources

  • function isSupported(): This function will be called by Babylon.js before everything else to ensure that your plugin can be instanciated (You have to check if required .js files are included for instance)

For implementation details, you can refer to cannon.js plugin:

Using your plugin

When you launch the physics simulation, you can add a new parameter to enablePhysics function to indicate which plugin to use:

scene.enablePhysics(null, new BABYLON.CannonJSPlugin()),

The first parameter can be used to define gravity (which is (0, -9.82, 0) by default).

Further reading

Using A Physics Engine
Learn how to use one of the available physics engines in Babylon.js.
Using A Physics Engine
Learn all about applying physical forces in Babylon.js.
Learn all about using joints in physics engines within Babylon.js.
Pivots and Axes
Learn all about physics pivots and axes in Babylon.js.
Pivots and Axes
Compound Bodies
Learn all about physics compound bodies in Babylon.js.
Compound Bodies
Soft Bodies
Learn all about physics soft bodies in Babylon.js.
Soft Bodies
Advanced Physics Features
Unlock the full potential of physics with advanced physics features in Babylon.js.
Advanced Physics Features