
Video Overview

Babylon.js Controls are a set of regular web controls that are super-charged with hardware accelerated rendering through Babylon.js to provide blazing fast dedicated controls.

Babylon.js provides an unified API on top of WebGL, WebGL2 and WebGPU that controls can leverage to unleash the raw power of your GPU.


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Coming next

Timeline Control
The Babylon.js Timeline Control is a web control built on top of Babylon.js that accelerates some of the typical features associated with video timelines.
Timeline Control
Resizer Control
The Babylon.js Resizer Control is a web control built on top of Babylon.js in order to accelerate the resizing of pictures in web pages with blazing fast speed.
Resizer Control
Image Filter Control
The Babylon.js Filter Control is a web control built on top of Babylon.js in order to apply filter to pictures in web pages with blazing fast speed.
Image Filter Control