Mesh Behaviors


Mesh behaviors are Behaviors that can be attached to a mesh.


This is used to drag a mesh around a plane or axis using a mouse or vr controller.

var pointerDragBehavior = new BABYLON.PointerDragBehavior({dragAxis: new BABYLON.Vector3(0,1,0)});

It can be initialized in 3 different modes

  • dragAxis: Dragging will occur along the provided axis
  • dragPlaneNormal: Dragging will occur along the plane defined by the normal
  • None: Dragging will occur along the plane facing the camera

By default, the dragging plane/axis will be modified by the objects orientation. To keep the specified axis/plane fixed to the world set this to false.

pointerDragBehavior.useObjectOrientationForDragging = false;

By default, the drag plane will update on every frame, to disable this set updateDragPlane to false

pointerDragBehavior.updateDragPlane = false;

To listen to drag events the following can be used.


To use the drag behavior without moving the attached mesh set this to false. The drag events above can then be listened to to allow custom drag interactions.

pointerDragBehavior.moveAttached = false;

To disable all dragging behavior, set enabled to false

pointerDragBehavior.enabled = false;

To inspect the current state of the dragged mesh, currentDraggingPointerID, dragging and lastDragPosition can be inspected

// The id of the pointer that is currently interacting with the behavior (-1 when no pointer is active)
// The last position where the pointer hit the drag plane in world space
// If the behavior is currently in a dragging state
  • Playground Example: Drag Along an Axis


This is used to drag a mesh around in 3D space based on the pointers origin (eg. camera or vr controller position)

var sixDofDragBehavior = new BABYLON.SixDofDragBehavior();

By default, pointer jitter is smoothed by slowly moving the mesh to where the pointer is pointing. To remove or modify this behavior the following field can be modified.

// The distance towards the target drag position to move each frame. This can be useful to avoid jitter. Set this to 1 for no delay. (Default: 0.2)
sixDofDragBehavior.dragDeltaRatio = 0.2;

By default, dragging objects away/towards you will be magnified to make moving objects large distances easier. To avoid/modify this the following can be used.

// The distance towards the target drag position to move each frame. This can be useful to avoid jitter. Set this to 1 for no delay. (Default: 0.2)
sixDofDragBehavior.zDragFactor = 0.2;

Note - To avoid large performance hits when using with models with complex geometries, the object should be wrapped in a bounding box mesh. See BoundingBoxGizmo.MakeNotPickableAndWrapInBoundingBox

  • Playground Example: Six Directions Example


This is used to scale a mesh based on 2 pointers (eg. fingers or vr controllers)

var multiPointerScaleBehavior = new BABYLON.MultiPointerScaleBehavior();

Note - To avoid large performance hits when using with models with complex geometries, the object should be wrapped in a bounding box mesh. See BoundingBoxGizmo.MakeNotPickableAndWrapInBoundingBox

  • Playground Example: MultiPointerScaleBehavior Example

AttachToBoxBehavior (AppBar)

This is used to attach a mesh or UI on top of a meshes bounding box

var behavior = new BABYLON.AttachToBoxBehavior(appBar);

Adjust the positioning of mesh attached using

behavior.distanceAwayFromFace = 0.15;
behavior.distanceAwayFromBottomOfFace = 0.15;

This can be used to attach an app bar to a mesh

  • Playground Example: AttachToBoxBehavior Example