Shader Material


The ShaderMaterial object has the necessary methods to pass data from your scene to the Vertex and Fragment Shaders and returns a material that can be applied to any mesh. This returned material effects how the mesh will look based on the code in the shaders.

It is called by

var myShaderMaterial = new BABYLON.ShaderMaterial(name, scene, route, options);
  • name: a string, naming the shader

  • scene: the scene in which the shader is to be used

  • route: the route to the shader code in one of three ways:

    1. object: { vertex: "custom", fragment: "custom" }, used with BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore["customVertexShader"] and BABYLON.Effect.ShadersStore["customFragmentShader"]
    2. object: { vertexElement: "vertexShaderCode", fragmentElement: "fragmentShaderCode" }, used with shader code in <script> tags
    3. object: { vertexSource: "vertex shader code string", fragmentSource: "fragment shader code string" } using with strings containing the shaders code
    4. string: "./COMMON_NAME", used with external files COMMON_NAME.vertex.fx and COMMON_NAME.fragment.fx in index.html folder.
  • options: object containing attributes and uniforms arrays containing their names as strings.

An example:

var myShaderMaterial = new BABYLON.ShaderMaterial("shader", scene, "./COMMON_NAME",
attributes: ["position", "normal", "uv"],
uniforms: ["world", "worldView", "worldViewProjection", "view", "projection", "time", "direction" ],
defines: ["MyDefine"]
needAlphaBlending: true,
needAlphaTesting: true

Note: that's the exhaustive list of available attributes, uniforms.

Any attribute in the Vertex Shader code must appear in the attributes array.

The uniform worldViewProjection must be declared in the Vertex Shader as type mat4 and must be in the uniforms array.

Attributes and uniforms named in the arrays and not used in the shader code are ignored.

if your shader code contains #define values, you can specify the ones you want to activate in the defines array.

Uniforms assigned to textures in the shader code need not appear in the uniforms array, all other uniforms must be present.

Textures are passed, for example, as

var amigaTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("amiga.jpg", scene);
myShaderMaterial.setTexture("textureSampler", amigaTexture);

where textureSampler has been declared as a uniform of type sampler2D in the shader code.

Other uniforms are passed, for example, as

myShaderMaterial.setFloat("time", 0);
myShaderMaterial.setVector3("direction", BABYLON.Vector3.Zero());

the set method depending on the type passed.


In some specific cases when you use post-processes, you might notice a slightly brighter color output than what you implemented in your shader.

Read this if you want to know how to fix it.

Further reading

Putting Shader Code Into Babylon.js
Dive deep into the inner workings of how Babylon.js handles shaders.
Putting Shader Code Into Babylon.js
Introduction to Shaders
Dive deep into the inner workings of shaders in Babylon.js.
Introduction to Shaders